The staff of New York State’s Public Service Commission has cast a shadow on the proposed sale of RG&E’S parent company, Energy East, to Iberdrola, a Spanish company.
The P.S.C. staff has filed a lengthy report after what it says was a thorough analysis.
The report concludes, “The acquisition is not in the public interest and should not be approved by the commission.”
The report goes on to say that the proposed merger “imposes real, tangible costs and risks on customers and it offers no tangible monetary benefits to ratepayers.”
Iberdrola is the world's largest producer of power from wind. In 2007, the Spanish company agreed to buy Energy East for $4.5 billion.
But the deal has to be approved by the P.S.C. and there will be months of hearings and additional testimony before a final decision is made.
RG&E was bought out by Energy East in 2002. Energy East also owns NYSEG.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
RG&E vs. Naples & South Bristol
The Naples Record Jan 23, 2008 edition, pg 4, stated that the Overhead Power line has been put on hold. Great News! We have scared them away! But do not be fooled! Do not become complacent! Do not relax! They will be back with another plan, perhaps another route. Next time it could be in Your Front or Back Yard or through Your Woods! We don't know when they will surface again, perhaps a month, or 6 months, or a year.... we have to be ready to take them on! NVBHA is looking to more members. If you are not a "paid" member, we urge you to do so now. Membership is $5.00 per person per year. If you would like a membership form, please send an email to: and ask for an application. Please, get involved & take action!
The Fight is Not Over - The Fight has Just Begun!
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
The Fight is Not Over - The Fight has Just Begun!
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Iberdrola’s proposed acquisition of Energy East Corporation may witness a delay in its close, source says
Iberdrola’s proposed acquisition of Energy East Corporation may witness a delay in its close due to the on-going administrative litigation proceedings between the Department of Public Service Staff and the buyer, a source familiar with the situation told dealReporter. The staff is part of the New York State Public Service Commission [PSC].
A person close to Iberdrola, however, maintains the company is confident that it will be able to close the deal as targeted in the merger agreement. According to the merger document, the transaction is expected to close in 2Q 2008. ”I think speculating on a delay is really premature when we are right at the beginning of the process. What is happening now was envisioned and factored in the timetable to close the deal,” he added.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
A person close to Iberdrola, however, maintains the company is confident that it will be able to close the deal as targeted in the merger agreement. According to the merger document, the transaction is expected to close in 2Q 2008. ”I think speculating on a delay is really premature when we are right at the beginning of the process. What is happening now was envisioned and factored in the timetable to close the deal,” he added.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
RG&E sale clears another hurdle
(January 23, 2008) — Iberdrola SA has won approval from Maine’s Public Utility Commission to complete its $4.5 billion acquisition of Energy East Corp., the parent of Rochester Gas and Electric and New York State Electric and Gas.
To win Maine’s approval, the Spanish utility agreed to limit debt at Central Maine Power and Maine Natural Gas, install advanced meters enabling energy conservation and to share cost savings with customers.
New York is now the only state where Energy East does business that hasn’t approved the deal. The staff of the New York Public Service Commission has advised against approval, saying the acquisition wouldn’t benefit RG&E or NYSEG customers.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
To win Maine’s approval, the Spanish utility agreed to limit debt at Central Maine Power and Maine Natural Gas, install advanced meters enabling energy conservation and to share cost savings with customers.
New York is now the only state where Energy East does business that hasn’t approved the deal. The staff of the New York Public Service Commission has advised against approval, saying the acquisition wouldn’t benefit RG&E or NYSEG customers.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Reminder - NVBHA Public Meeting Wed 1/23/08 at 7pm
NVBHA Public Meeting Wed 1/23/08 at 7 pm at the Naples High School Auditorium.
All our Welcome - Come and Hear the Latest Information.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
All our Welcome - Come and Hear the Latest Information.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
SCIDA Monthly Meeting 1/24/08 at Noon
SCIDA Monthly Meeting is Thursday, January 24, 2008 at NOON
7234 Route 54 North, Bath, NY
Final Vote on Windfarm Prattsburgh and Final Vote Windfarm Cohocton.
There are 11 proposed turbines in the Naples School District.
The Naples School Board and the NVBHA have rejected their PILOT Proposal.
How will the SCIDA BOARD Vote?
Please attend if you can!
7234 Route 54 North, Bath, NY
Final Vote on Windfarm Prattsburgh and Final Vote Windfarm Cohocton.
There are 11 proposed turbines in the Naples School District.
The Naples School Board and the NVBHA have rejected their PILOT Proposal.
How will the SCIDA BOARD Vote?
Please attend if you can!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Hello everyone,
NVBHA is looking for people to become official members of the association. Members will be able to vote on issues facing the Association, and help steer the group's focus and direction. To be become an official member you must fill out an online or paper form and pay a $5 membership fee. The money is being used for mailings, copies, postage, and various other expenses. All board and sub committee positions are completely voluntary. New ideas and concerns are always welcome. We hope you will consider becoming a member. Please email us at for membership forms. We are having a public meeting on Jan. 23 at the Naples High School Aditorium at 7pm, we encourage you to attend. Memberships forms will be available. Thank you.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
NVBHA is looking for people to become official members of the association. Members will be able to vote on issues facing the Association, and help steer the group's focus and direction. To be become an official member you must fill out an online or paper form and pay a $5 membership fee. The money is being used for mailings, copies, postage, and various other expenses. All board and sub committee positions are completely voluntary. New ideas and concerns are always welcome. We hope you will consider becoming a member. Please email us at for membership forms. We are having a public meeting on Jan. 23 at the Naples High School Aditorium at 7pm, we encourage you to attend. Memberships forms will be available. Thank you.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Iberdrola S.A. Acquisition of Energy East PSC Case No. 07-M-0906
Iberdrola S.A. Acquisition of Energy East
PSC Case No. 07-M-0906
Excellent especially page 14 of 21!!!!!!!! All windfarms owned by Iberdrola
Not even counting Community Energy Inc
(Click to reach link to read)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
PSC Case No. 07-M-0906
Excellent especially page 14 of 21!!!!!!!! All windfarms owned by Iberdrola
Not even counting Community Energy Inc
(Click to reach link to read)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Friday, January 18, 2008
Iberdrola bid for RG&E parent hits obstacle by Daniel Wallace
(January 18, 2008) — The state Public Service Commission staff is advising against the proposed takeover of Energy East, the parent of Rochester Gas and Electric, by the Spanish utility Iberdrola SA.
The recommendation doesn't mean the $4.5 billion deal won't go through, but it does put up a barrier that the companies will need to overcome.
The PSC staff said that ownership by Iberdrola wouldn't benefit customers either in terms of rates or service reliability.
Iberdrola will have until Jan. 31 to file a rebuttal.
The companies have said they hope to complete the transaction in the first half of the year.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
The recommendation doesn't mean the $4.5 billion deal won't go through, but it does put up a barrier that the companies will need to overcome.
The PSC staff said that ownership by Iberdrola wouldn't benefit customers either in terms of rates or service reliability.
Iberdrola will have until Jan. 31 to file a rebuttal.
The companies have said they hope to complete the transaction in the first half of the year.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Thursday, January 17, 2008
NVBHA Public Meeting on Jan. 23
Naples Valley Bristol Hills Association invites you to attend an informational meeting on January 23. The meeting will take place at the Naples High School Auditorium starting at 7pm. We will start the meeting with introduction of the Interim Board Members followed by several presentations.
After the presentations, we will have an open forum to voice concerns and give us input. If you have any questions now, please email us at with your questions so we can address them in our presentations.
Many subjects will be presented including updates on the proposed overhead transmission line, the status regarding the SCIDA (Steuben County Industrial Development Agency) meetings, the Naples School taxes, NVBHA Membership, our need for sub-committees, and nominations for NVBHA board members.
Our board is in need of people to serve on the sub-committees listed below:
1) Research
2) Website Blogging to help post informative & interesting topics
3) Legal
4) Public Relations
5) Meeting Representatives to attend Town, Village, School, SCIDA, and other meetings
6) Political - to track public officials and see who/why we should lobby.
7) Media
If you have a niche or interest in any of the above, we would love to hear from you. Just reply with your area of expertise or interest. Your help and your support is greatly appreciated.
Please bring friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family to the public meeting. Lets fill the room. Our community is being affected by many things right now and we all need to take action. What we can do today will benefit us tomorrow.
Thank you,
The NVBHA Board
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
After the presentations, we will have an open forum to voice concerns and give us input. If you have any questions now, please email us at with your questions so we can address them in our presentations.
Many subjects will be presented including updates on the proposed overhead transmission line, the status regarding the SCIDA (Steuben County Industrial Development Agency) meetings, the Naples School taxes, NVBHA Membership, our need for sub-committees, and nominations for NVBHA board members.
Our board is in need of people to serve on the sub-committees listed below:
1) Research
2) Website Blogging to help post informative & interesting topics
3) Legal
4) Public Relations
5) Meeting Representatives to attend Town, Village, School, SCIDA, and other meetings
6) Political - to track public officials and see who/why we should lobby.
7) Media
If you have a niche or interest in any of the above, we would love to hear from you. Just reply with your area of expertise or interest. Your help and your support is greatly appreciated.
Please bring friends, co-workers, neighbors, and family to the public meeting. Lets fill the room. Our community is being affected by many things right now and we all need to take action. What we can do today will benefit us tomorrow.
Thank you,
The NVBHA Board
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Public hearing Friday January 18, 2008
Public Hearing; Friday, January 18th in Atlanta NY,Town Court Facility19 Main Street at 10am.
Dear Community Members,
Thanks for sending your letters of protest to SCIDA(Steuben County Industrial Development Agency) last week. If you did not do so, we ask you to please reconsider your interest in this issue. We are strong as a community when we stand together! Together we can make an impact.
There is an important meeting coming up on Friday. This is a public meeting that SCIDA is holding to hear our communities concerns over the proposed PILOT(Payment in Lieu of Taxes) program. It is imperative that Naples Central School district taxpayers come; some to speak and many to show support. We need our voices to be heard.Our School District cannot accept $3700 / tax revenue per year in a PILOT program. If each turbine was fully assessed by the dollar value,the amount of money would be far greater. Let's fight to keep our taxes down, and make UPC pay their fair share.
The Wind farm Corporation (UPC) is asking SCIDA for approval to take money from our students. We must stop them by fighting for our schools future and the tax base in our community.
We hope you can attend the SCIDA public hearing on January 18th, at 10am, Town Court Facility, at 19 Main Street, Atlanta.Please reply if you need a ride or would like to car pool.
We must show them that the people of Naples and the Bristol Hills care.Please join us in this attempt for justice and forward this to everyone involved with the Naples School District.
We appreciate your continued support in these efforts.
Dear Community Members,
Thanks for sending your letters of protest to SCIDA(Steuben County Industrial Development Agency) last week. If you did not do so, we ask you to please reconsider your interest in this issue. We are strong as a community when we stand together! Together we can make an impact.
There is an important meeting coming up on Friday. This is a public meeting that SCIDA is holding to hear our communities concerns over the proposed PILOT(Payment in Lieu of Taxes) program. It is imperative that Naples Central School district taxpayers come; some to speak and many to show support. We need our voices to be heard.Our School District cannot accept $3700 / tax revenue per year in a PILOT program. If each turbine was fully assessed by the dollar value,the amount of money would be far greater. Let's fight to keep our taxes down, and make UPC pay their fair share.
The Wind farm Corporation (UPC) is asking SCIDA for approval to take money from our students. We must stop them by fighting for our schools future and the tax base in our community.
We hope you can attend the SCIDA public hearing on January 18th, at 10am, Town Court Facility, at 19 Main Street, Atlanta.Please reply if you need a ride or would like to car pool.
We must show them that the people of Naples and the Bristol Hills care.Please join us in this attempt for justice and forward this to everyone involved with the Naples School District.
We appreciate your continued support in these efforts.
Electric deal is sign of the times
You can almost hear the gnashing of teeth. A Spanish company, Iberdrola, is about to acquire Energy East, the parent of New York State Electric & Gas Corp. The company has received needed approvals from the federal agencies, and it is close to receiving the endorsement of four of the five state regulatory agencies. A decision from New York regulators is still some way off.
Critics of the deal express anxiety that a foreign company may eventually control electric distribution to 3 million customers in the Northeast. They wonder if it's wise to have such critical infrastructure out of the hands of a domestic owner.
(Click to read entire article)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Critics of the deal express anxiety that a foreign company may eventually control electric distribution to 3 million customers in the Northeast. They wonder if it's wise to have such critical infrastructure out of the hands of a domestic owner.
(Click to read entire article)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Friday, January 11, 2008
Renewable energy will be upstate focus for Iberdrola
(January 11, 2008) — Company acquisitions can be difficult, particularly when unanswered or inadequately answered questions surround the outcome.
When Energy East completed its acquisition of RG&E in 2002, uncertainty persisted about increased rates and job layoffs thanks to a less than forthcoming disposition by Energy East executives.
Fast-forward nearly six years, and Energy East finds itself in the process of being acquired by international utility powerhouse Iberdrola.
Naturally, questions have arisen about the merits of the merger, its impact on local ratepayers and the effect on crucial plans such as the repowering of Russell Station.
Only this time, the Spain-based company is not only being extremely open about its plans and intentions, but it also has a solid business record and impressive financial standing to back it up.
In a meeting with the Editorial Board earlier this week, two of the company's top executives offered a refreshing approach to how they conduct business. First off, the company looks to locate only in areas where it is welcome.
Equally as important is Iberdrola's emphasis on locally run operations. There are no plans to replace employees — unless of course they don't perform, which is reasonable — and even then, they would be replaced with capable people from the community.
Beyond staffing, the wind energy leader is committed to investing in the United States — about $7 billion over the next three years — as it has done around the world in Brazil, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
And with the company's expertise in renewable energy — including hydropower, solar, tidal, wave and biomass — upstate could make enormous strides in becoming a leader in alternative energy.
The Pubic Service Commission, of course, should continue to thoroughly vet the company and the potential outcomes of the acquisition.
But as executives pointed out, this isn't a deal the multibillion-dollar company needs; it's one it wants.
When it comes to maintaining quality service and strong investment in renewable energy, that type of desire is invaluable.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
When Energy East completed its acquisition of RG&E in 2002, uncertainty persisted about increased rates and job layoffs thanks to a less than forthcoming disposition by Energy East executives.
Fast-forward nearly six years, and Energy East finds itself in the process of being acquired by international utility powerhouse Iberdrola.
Naturally, questions have arisen about the merits of the merger, its impact on local ratepayers and the effect on crucial plans such as the repowering of Russell Station.
Only this time, the Spain-based company is not only being extremely open about its plans and intentions, but it also has a solid business record and impressive financial standing to back it up.
In a meeting with the Editorial Board earlier this week, two of the company's top executives offered a refreshing approach to how they conduct business. First off, the company looks to locate only in areas where it is welcome.
Equally as important is Iberdrola's emphasis on locally run operations. There are no plans to replace employees — unless of course they don't perform, which is reasonable — and even then, they would be replaced with capable people from the community.
Beyond staffing, the wind energy leader is committed to investing in the United States — about $7 billion over the next three years — as it has done around the world in Brazil, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
And with the company's expertise in renewable energy — including hydropower, solar, tidal, wave and biomass — upstate could make enormous strides in becoming a leader in alternative energy.
The Pubic Service Commission, of course, should continue to thoroughly vet the company and the potential outcomes of the acquisition.
But as executives pointed out, this isn't a deal the multibillion-dollar company needs; it's one it wants.
When it comes to maintaining quality service and strong investment in renewable energy, that type of desire is invaluable.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Conservation Groups Sue to Block Electric Transmission Corridors
The Center for Biological Diversity today is filing a similar lawsuit in the Central District of California challenging the Energy Department's designation of the Southwest National Interest Electric Transmission Corridor, which includes counties in California and Arizona.
Joining the lawsuit are Sierra Club, National Parks Conservation Association, Environmental Advocates of New York, Clean Air Council, Pennsylvania Land Trust Association, Civil War Preservation Trust, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Brandywine Conservancy and Natural Lands Trust.
(Click to read entire article)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Joining the lawsuit are Sierra Club, National Parks Conservation Association, Environmental Advocates of New York, Clean Air Council, Pennsylvania Land Trust Association, Civil War Preservation Trust, Catskill Mountainkeeper, Brandywine Conservancy and Natural Lands Trust.
(Click to read entire article)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Thursday, January 10, 2008
MEDIA/PRESS RELEASE - David P. Miller attorney for Cohocton Wind Watch
The Steuben County Supreme Court, by Decision dated January 9, 2008 has made a ruling in the Town of Cohocton wind turbine case.
In the matters of Cohocton Wind Watch and James Hall et al. against Canandaigua Power Partners et al, and two related cases, acting Supreme Court Justice Marianne Furfure has determined that with one exception in one case, the petitioners in each of the three pending lawsuits have standing to proceed with the actions. In addition, Judge Furfure denied the respondents' motion to dismiss the cases, finding that the petitioners did not violate the stature of limitations and that the petitioners did not fail to exhaust their administrative remedies by not appealing a decision of the Town's Code Enforcement Officer to the Town's Zoning Board of Appeals. Finally, Judge Furfure declared that all of the individual property owners whose lands are to be a part of the wind turbine projects are necessary parties to the actions.
Judge Furfure has given the petitioners additional time to serve some of the landowners with copies of the petition in the actions, and has given counsel for the respondents sixty days in which to serve their answers to the petitions upon counsel for the petitioners.
Dated: January 10, 2008
David P. Miller
111 N. Main St.
Naples, NY 14512
(585) 374-2130
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
In the matters of Cohocton Wind Watch and James Hall et al. against Canandaigua Power Partners et al, and two related cases, acting Supreme Court Justice Marianne Furfure has determined that with one exception in one case, the petitioners in each of the three pending lawsuits have standing to proceed with the actions. In addition, Judge Furfure denied the respondents' motion to dismiss the cases, finding that the petitioners did not violate the stature of limitations and that the petitioners did not fail to exhaust their administrative remedies by not appealing a decision of the Town's Code Enforcement Officer to the Town's Zoning Board of Appeals. Finally, Judge Furfure declared that all of the individual property owners whose lands are to be a part of the wind turbine projects are necessary parties to the actions.
Judge Furfure has given the petitioners additional time to serve some of the landowners with copies of the petition in the actions, and has given counsel for the respondents sixty days in which to serve their answers to the petitions upon counsel for the petitioners.
Dated: January 10, 2008
David P. Miller
111 N. Main St.
Naples, NY 14512
(585) 374-2130
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Naples School Tax - Should everyone pay their fair share?
TODAY IS THE DEADLINE for sending an email or fax to Mr. James Sherron, the Executive Director of SCIDA. (Steuben County Industrial Development Agency). If you oppose the PILOT Program being presented to the Naples Central School District, we need your support.
Mr. Sherron's email address is:
His fax number is 607-776-5039
The Steuben County IDA Website is:
If you any questions regarding the PILOT Program, or request a sample letter, please send an email to us at:
Please do not Delay!
We need your help Today!
Mr. Sherron's email address is:
His fax number is 607-776-5039
The Steuben County IDA Website is:
If you any questions regarding the PILOT Program, or request a sample letter, please send an email to us at:
Please do not Delay!
We need your help Today!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Iberdrola discusses impact of Energy East deal
Iberdrola, the Spain-based global utility company that plans to acquire New York State Electric & Gas parent Energy East, on Wednesday stressed the benefits of the $4.5 billion deal for various stakeholders, including consumers, workers and New York.
Cost-cutting to reap huge profits on the deal is not the focus of Iberdrola's plan, said Pedro Azagra, the company's director of corporate development, in a meeting with the Press & Sun-Bulletin.
Instead, Iberdrola's goal is to invest and expand in New York, using the acquisition as an entry into the U.S. market, as opposed to a "transforming transaction" for the company, he said.
"We have committed to not firing anyone because of the transaction," Azagra said. He noted that Iberdrola likes to keep local people running local operations.
Azagra added that the company also has raised equity to pay for the shares of Energy East, instead of incurring the debt that can be used to fund acquisitions and mergers.
In addition, Iberdrola's plans include launching renewable energy projects, including wind power, in the "areas of worst economic development" in New York. Azagra noted that as the state continues to lose population and businesses, and works to attract investment, the projects could serve as a valuable tool for New York's use in marketing the area for additional economic development. But it will be up to the state and communities to approve the projects.
(Click to read entire article)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Cost-cutting to reap huge profits on the deal is not the focus of Iberdrola's plan, said Pedro Azagra, the company's director of corporate development, in a meeting with the Press & Sun-Bulletin.
Instead, Iberdrola's goal is to invest and expand in New York, using the acquisition as an entry into the U.S. market, as opposed to a "transforming transaction" for the company, he said.
"We have committed to not firing anyone because of the transaction," Azagra said. He noted that Iberdrola likes to keep local people running local operations.
Azagra added that the company also has raised equity to pay for the shares of Energy East, instead of incurring the debt that can be used to fund acquisitions and mergers.
In addition, Iberdrola's plans include launching renewable energy projects, including wind power, in the "areas of worst economic development" in New York. Azagra noted that as the state continues to lose population and businesses, and works to attract investment, the projects could serve as a valuable tool for New York's use in marketing the area for additional economic development. But it will be up to the state and communities to approve the projects.
(Click to read entire article)
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Thursday, January 3, 2008

HORSEHEADS – If you’re a NYSEG customer, you have the option of choosing your electricity plan.
Due to the holidays Keith Schlock didn't have a chance to pick a NYSEG electricity plan earlier this month. He’s in favor of having the option to choose which one he wants.
“The economy's not that great. People are losing their jobs so you got to have choice,” says Schrock.
So what are the options? You can either go for the fixed rate plan or a variable rate plan. The fixed rate means your electric prices next year will remain steady. A variable option means the price per kilowatt hour can go up or down depending on the market. If you don't enroll in one of these plans, you'll automatically be enrolled in the variable rate plan.
Some neighbors say they like the choice that won't provide any surprises on their monthly bills.
“I'm going with the fixed rate because I think it works for me. At least I'll know what I'm going to be paying for my utilities,” says Tom Stermer of Elmira.
But others say it doesn't matter which one you go with.
“They're giving you a choice but I don't think you have a choice really because you have to pay your NYSEG bill regardless,” says Alicia Boughton of Pine City.
You have until 7 pm Friday December 28th to make a choice. You can make your choice on NYSEG’s website at .
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
143,000 are signed up for 'Voice Your Choice'
(January 2, 2008) — Rochester Gas and Electric officials will be busy this month tallying up ballots placed for the “Voice Your Choice” campaign.
As of today, approximately 143,000 people had signed up to participate in the program. Those who didn't select an electricity provider automatically remain with their current supplier.
Clayton Ellis, maneger of corporate communications of RG&E’s parent company, said a final enrollment count won’t be available until later in the month.
So far, the participation level remains below 50 percent.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
As of today, approximately 143,000 people had signed up to participate in the program. Those who didn't select an electricity provider automatically remain with their current supplier.
Clayton Ellis, maneger of corporate communications of RG&E’s parent company, said a final enrollment count won’t be available until later in the month.
So far, the participation level remains below 50 percent.
Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Letters sent to public officials
Happy New Year! On December 21 signed letters to public officials, including, The Public service Commission and RG&E, were mailed out. This letter included over 400 signatures from area residents opposed to the power line cutting through our area. More mailings need to be done along with faxes. These will take place over the course of the next month. Any interested parties willing to help or have ideas on spreading the word are encouraged to email us at Thank you to all. With many of us we stand strong. Your signatures and help will make a difference.Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines
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