HORSEHEADS – If you’re a NYSEG customer, you have the option of choosing your electricity plan.
Due to the holidays Keith Schlock didn't have a chance to pick a NYSEG electricity plan earlier this month. He’s in favor of having the option to choose which one he wants.
“The economy's not that great. People are losing their jobs so you got to have choice,” says Schrock.
So what are the options? You can either go for the fixed rate plan or a variable rate plan. The fixed rate means your electric prices next year will remain steady. A variable option means the price per kilowatt hour can go up or down depending on the market. If you don't enroll in one of these plans, you'll automatically be enrolled in the variable rate plan.
Some neighbors say they like the choice that won't provide any surprises on their monthly bills.
“I'm going with the fixed rate because I think it works for me. At least I'll know what I'm going to be paying for my utilities,” says Tom Stermer of Elmira.
But others say it doesn't matter which one you go with.
“They're giving you a choice but I don't think you have a choice really because you have to pay your NYSEG bill regardless,” says Alicia Boughton of Pine City.
You have until 7 pm Friday December 28th to make a choice. You can make your choice on NYSEG’s website at www.nyseg.com .
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