Monday, July 28, 2008

Corruption allegations swirl around push for wind power

Article from Rochester Democrat & Chronicle 7/28/08

At the end of the article, log in and share your comments.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

AG Andrew Cuomo Launches Investigation into Wind Power Companies Conduct Across Upstate NY

Allegations of Improper Dealings with Public Officials and Anti-Competitive Practices

Subpoenas Served on First Wind/UPC Wind and Noble Environmental Power, LLC

Click here to read the Article

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Sunday, July 13, 2008

South Bristol Celebrates 170 years!

Come one...come all to the 170th birthday celebration for the Town of South Bristol on July 19th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

The event will be held in the hamlet of Bristol Springs on Route 64 at the location of the Highway Department.

There will be food and drink provided by the Naples Fire Department, music by Ev n Bri, displays from the South Bristol Historical Society, Bristol Mountain, Bristol Harbour and others. NYS Assemblyman Joe Errigo will be present, along with the Town Board and Planning Board.

The South Bristol Historical Society Museum, at the old Grange Building on route 64 in Bristol Springs, will be open during the birthday celebration. Come see some local history! Museum is also open throughout the summer on Sunday afternoons from 12-3 p.m.

Join the South Bristol Historical Society for their PANCAKE BREAKFAST July 20th from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. This event will be held at the museum in Bristol Springs. Adults $6.00, children 4-12 yrs $3 , and children 3 and under free. Tickets may be purchased at the door, at the South Bristol celebration, or you may reserve your tickets by calling 374-8068.

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Thursday, July 3, 2008

A Letter to Attorney General Andrew Cuomo - by Jim Sawicki

As a taxpayer, US citizen and lifelong resident of NYS, I am writing you objecting to the criminal activities associated with industrial wind development in NYS.

Our elected officials are being bamboozled by the industrial wind interests to believe that commercial/industrial wind projects are “friendly”, green and renewable. This is very misleading and incomplete information.

This industry is engaged in many illegal activities, supported by our elected officials that are supposed to be representing NYS citizens NOT the commercial wind interests, with their lobbyists, multi-national corporations and misleading and incomplete information (propaganda).

The corruption, deceit and disregard for proper procedure and laws by this industry should not be tolerated for one second. I personally know highly respected people with the highest level of integrity that possess information related to industrial wind’s illegal activities. They have already offered to meet with you on their time and dime. I strongly recommend you accept their offer.

A timely investigation is needed.

Legal rights of NYS citizens have already been abused and continue to be threatened by industrial/commercial wind companies that are allowed to do as they please through ignorant and/or bamboozled local governments AND their incomplete and misleading claims that have incorrectly affected the public’s and decision-makers’ views.

NYS citizens need your help to defend our legal rights and stop this madness!

Thank you for your consideration of this very important matter.

Jim Sawicki

Senator Schumer Visit to the Bliss Industrial Wind Project

Please watch video to the end - don't forget to turn up the sound.
Senator Schumer would like to hear our opinions on wind energy.

You can contact Senator Schumer by clinking on this link:

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

When will Iberdrola take over the World?

Spain's energy giant Iberdrola filed an investors' day presentation with the Spanish market regulator, CNMV, on Wednesday, stating that it aims to splash out on investments and internationalize the group even further, Thomson Merger News reports. It is ready to spend €25 billion (US$39 billion) in total between now and 2010, to achieve its growth objectives, which involves expansion in Latin America, the US, Canada and the U.K. Click on link for entire article

Ignacio Galan, chairman and chief executive of Scottish Power's parent firm Iberdrola, discussed the deal with Mr Salmond over the phone yesterday and met with finance secretary John Swinney. Click on link for entire article
The Spanish renewable energy company offers €175 million for the remaining shares of the Greek wind developer.

There are many more links - just do some interent searching yourself - Iberdrola is everywhere - they are not just blowing in the wind! ... coal, gas, electric, wind - what else?

If we don't stop them soon, Iberdrola will own the World!
Happy Independence Day to All!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

State gives a bit on Iberdrola

What a misleading headline in today's D&C. Don't let the headline fool you. The PSC has NOT made their final recommendation regarding the Iberdrola takeover. There are still many conditions to be agreed upon by both the PSC and Iberdrola before the purchase of Energy East. Here is the link to the article:

Make sure to read the online comments after the article - you can easily login to the D&C website if you would also like to comment.

To Quote Sen. Charles Schumer
in todays's D&C, "Done correctly, this merger can reduce costs and make New York a leader in providing clean, cheap wind power."

CHEAP? Who is Chuck Schumer kidding? What is so "cheap" about the turbines in Prattsburgh and Cohocton? hmm...... At approx $2.5M EACH, I hardly call that cheap! Let's see, last count there was approx 37 or 38 "cheap wind power" turbines -
Mr. Schumer, do the math! Mr. Schumer, why do only 5 of the turbines have blades? Mr. Schumer, will they ever turn? Mr. Schumer, who paid for the turbines on top of our hills? In other words, where did the $$ come from? Mr. Schumer, exactly who will benefit from the "cheap wind power". Mr. Schumer, what happened to our pristine views? Mr. Schumer, have you driven on Main Street in Naples heading south lately? Again, I ask, what is so cheap about wind power?

If you have not yet taken the time to write the PSC to voice your opinion, decision time is close, in fact, sorry for the short notice but the deadline to voice your opinion in Thursday, July 3rd.

Hon. Jaclyn A. Brilling
Secretary to the Commission
New York State Public Service Commission
Fax: (518) 486-6081