Thursday, August 28, 2008

Wind Farm Corruption Brings Investigation to New York

Written on August 26, 2008

The New York Times reports complaints of wind power corruption have brought an investigation to rural New York. Small towns near the Canadian border have experienced rifts due to wind farm least options resulting in property damage and family feuds. Town officials are rezoning and allowing permits for their own personal gain and accepting financial bribes. There are currently nine large scale wind farms operating in New York.

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Transmission line problems

Wind Energy all boils down to one thing - the transmission lines and all the problems and costs that arise.

From the NY TIMES 8-27-08 By MATTHEW L. WALD Published: August 26, 2008

The Energy Challenge -Wind Energy Bumps Into Power Grid’s Limits

When the builders of the Maple Ridge Wind farm spent $320 million to put nearly 200 wind turbines in upstate New York, the idea was to get paid for producing electricity. But at times, regional electric lines have been so congested that Maple Ridge has been forced to shut down even with a brisk wind blowing.

That is a symptom of a broad national problem. Expansive dreams about renewable energy, like Al Gore's hope of replacing all fossil fuels in a decade, are bumping up against the reality of a power grid that cannot handle the new demands. The dirty secret of clean energy is that while generating it is getting easier, moving it to market is not.

The grid today, according to experts, is a system conceived 100 years ago to let utilities prop each other up, reducing blackouts and sharing power in small regions. It resembles a network of streets, avenues and country roads. “We need an interstate transmission superhighway system,” said Suedeen G. Kelly, a member of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

While the United States today gets barely 1 percent of its electricity from wind turbines, many experts are starting to think that figure could hit 20 percent. Achieving that would require moving large amounts of power over long distances, from the windy, lightly populated plains in the middle of the country to the coasts where many people live. Builders are also contemplating immense solar-power stations in the nation’s deserts that would pose the same transmission problems.

click on link to read the enitre article

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Interesting Stock Market News

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

PSC Commissioner Buley Resigns

ALBANY — The fate of the potential sale of Rochester Gas and Electric's parent to a Spanish company was thrown into doubt Wednesday by the illness of one state regulator and the marriage plans of another.A long-awaited vote by the state Public Service Commission on whether to allow the $4.5 billion sale of Energy East Corp. to Iberdrola SA of Spain was put off because only three of the five commissioners were present at a special meeting.Commissioners Cheryl Buley and Robert E. Curry Jr., who make $109,800 a year each, were absent. The vote was rescheduled for next Wednesday.

Curry was ill, and the commission later announced that Buley plans to resign next week because she is getting married and moving out of state, leaving the four remaining commissioners to decide the case.Buley's resignation would seem to make approval more difficult, since three votes are still needed for the sale to proceed. PSC members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the state Senate. To read the rest of the article, click here:

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

NO VOTE today on the Iberdrola "deal"


Only three commissioners attending the "Special Meeting" today.

The Vote on the Iberdrola Energy East acquisition will be pushed back to the September meeting.

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

PSC Decision Today - Webcast Starts at 10:30am

The state Public Service Commission meets today on Iberdrola SA's proposed acquisition of Energy East Corp., and the Albany meeting will be Web cast. The special meeting begins at 10:30 a.m. and is expected to culminate in a vote on whether to approve the $4.5 billion deal.
The Web address is

From this morning's D&C:
After months of back and forth, hearings, rulings, concessions and the like, the time has finally come for the New York Public Service Commission to render its decision on the Iberdrola deal. click on link to read the entire article

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New York PSC to rule on Iberdrola's $4.5B bid for Energy East

Article in the D&C by Jim Stinson and Gary Craig • Staff writers • August 26, 2008

The future of the world's fourth-largest utility in New York state could soon be at an end, or a beginning.

Iberdrola SA of Bilbao, Spain, has bid more than $4.5 billion for Energy East Corp., the parent company of Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. and New York State Electric and Gas Corp. Fourteen months after the friendly deal was unveiled, Iberdrola is due to get a thumbs up or thumbs down Wednesday from the state Public Service Commission.

At stake are $2 billion in upstate investment, New York's reputation as a place to do business and what might happen to the fourth-highest ...

click on link to read the entire article

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Monday, August 25, 2008

Hot air about wind power

Interesting read about wind power and transmission lines. Just click on the link or copy & paste to your browser. It's worth the read!

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power

Energy East $100M payouts possible per PSC member

Energy East payouts possible; PSC member suggests bosses could get $100 million in deal

Top executives at Energy East Corp. stand to make $100 million if they lose their jobs as part of Spanish utility Iberdrola SA's $4.5 billion acquisition, according to one member of the state Public Service Commission. It's unclear just how important the issue will be as part of the PSC's deliberations on the $4.5 billion deal.PSC commissioners, who discussed the case at their monthly meeting this week, have scheduled a special meeting on the merger Wednesday. A vote also is...

for the complete story, click here

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Webcast from the 8/20/08 PSC Session

Click on link for the webcast from Wed, 8/20/08 meeting.

The PSC will make their recommendation on Wed, August 27th.
The Live Webcast will be available by clicking on this link (it's free)

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Saturday, August 23, 2008

A letter to the PSC from one of our NVBHA Members

Dear Members of the Commission,

There has been every effort to avoid transparency by both the European and domestic producers of wind energy. There is a constant blurring of capacity to produce and actual production of electricity.

I believe Iberdrola is here because the countries of Europe have not seen benefits from the subsides that they offered to wind energy corporations, such as Iberdrola, and are no longer willing to sink public money into them.

Many believe that the majority of wind projects in our country have become cynical ways of harvesting lucrative subsidies. We are no longer a people who can afford massive fraud. We have been deregulated, plucked and shorn for a terribly long time. Commissions such as yours are intended as the last line of defense for the public good. Many believe there is ample evidence that the wind energy initiative has been perverted and crafted into another big boy scam.

Congress has chosen to continue subsidizing this monstrosity.

You are a commission of 5 NY State residents. I believe Albany would be happy at this juncture if it had support in denying these unproductive wind projects our tax money. History would certainly vindicate you for taking such a stand. Hurray for those committed to the Public Good.

Gordon W Ellis
Naples, NY

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Status of PSC's decision re: Iberdrola and Energy East

This is the link from the D&C regarding the PSC meeting that took place on Wed, Aug 20th. Click on link or copy & paste to your browser. Make sure to read the comments at the end of the article. Don't be afraid to register (it's free) and write your own comments at the bottom of the article. Just keep scrolling until you find the comment section.

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines

Thursday, August 7, 2008

South Bristol Historical Society Event - August 9

Join the South Bristol Historical Society for an evening with Bill Verhile, Saturday, August 9th at 7:30 p.m. Mr. Verhile will be speaking about historical barns in our area and this talk never fails to delight those attending.

The event is free and open to the public and will be held at the SBHS headquarters in the hamlet of Bristol Springs in the former Grange building.

Refreshments will be provided.

Voice Your Choice Say NO to Overhead Power Lines