Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Forum on 6/17/08

Andrew M. Cuomo is coming to Watertown on June 17 to host a community forum.

In a recent letter to local leaders, Mr. Cuomo said he wants to discuss "priority issues, such as environmental protection, health care, consumer protection, civil rights, workers rights and student lending."

The attorney general and his staff also will answer questions from audience members.

Food and refreshments will be served.

The forum will be at 7 p.m. at Case Middle School, 1237 Washington St., Watertown, NY

Mr. Cuomo asks people who plan to attend to let his office know by calling 448-4814 or e-mailing at communityaffairs@oag.state.ny.us

Please send an email to nvbhagroup@gmail.com if you are planning to go & would like to car pool.

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