Another excerpt from one of our NVBHA Members to Chairman Brown, NYS-PSC:
Thank you for considering my views, below, on the wind farms in the Naples and Cohocton Hills and the pending acquisition of RGE/NYSEG by Iberdrola.
I'm a believer in the free market. I'm also a believer in finding new energy sources for our area and our nation.
But I also believe that community interests must be balanced with the imperatives of the market. The Iberdrola deal doesn't make the cut at any level.
Few in the community were consulted. Deals were crafted in secret and one day, towers went up. And after the towers, a 100- foot wide swath of gigantic utility poles across sixteen miles of beautiful landscape was announced.
There is no benefit to local residents, except landowners, in this deal.
Power won't be cheaper for us, (wind power isn't a consistent source of power), jobs won't be created locally, it won't add measurable tax revenues to local schools, and perhaps worst of all, our scenic viewscapes -- which add mightily to the tourism revenues in the area -- are being marred forever by these huge turbines and proposed utility poles.
The economic vitality of the area is closely tied to its beauty. Mar the natural environment and you're left with little to attract hikers, bikers, skiers, kayakers, and Sunday drivers who bring dollars to the community. You also add one more reason for companies to decide not to relocate here and for young people to move away.
Iberdrola has a reputation in Europe and North Africa both as an innovator and emerging monopoly. When a winter ice storm knocks out power lines, and folks don't have light or heat, think about who you're going to call for repairs. RGE may have had its challenges, but they've performed well in times of crisis. Will Iberdrola feel it needs to take care of folks who don't live in their backyard?
It's a botched deal all around.
I urge you to uphold Judge Epstein's recommendation to reject this deal.
There is no real benefit in this deal to NYS citizens, only to the commercial wind interests at great taxpayer and ratepayer expense.
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